Ommiedraai & Friends is a Western Province Athletics (WPA) registered running club. The club was established in October 2008, stemming from the well-known Ommiedraai Hiking Friends.
Fast forward to 2010, in April of this year, WPA confirmed the membership of Ommiedraai & Friends Athletics Club (OFAC) and from then onward, the bright orange gear regularly appears at races, with much popularity.
How did it all come about?
To form a running club at the time (in 2008) seemed the logical next step for hikers, seeking a new faster-paced challenge. To improve fitness levels members of the Ommiedraai Hiking Friends participated in various Western Province Athletics (WPA) road races.
Since 2010 membership has grown significantly and currently stands over 450 licensed members (2019), who enthusiastically support all local races, from 5km to marathons and ultra-marathons. The latter being the most beautiful marathon in the world, the Two Oceans Ultra-Marathon, and the ultimate human race, Comrades.
The vision of the club is to introduce the pleasure and benefit of running to the community, as well as develop the sport of running among the youth.
OFAC was established with the following objectives:
- to develop and foster sporting skills and athletic abilities in runners and walkers within the club, community and the disabled
- to encourage a spirit of companionship amongst members by e.g. participation in training, social and team races, club functions, fun runs, etc.
- to accommodate, as far as possible, the needs of all club members e.g. sponsoring potential athletes, etc.
- to support social upliftment programs in helping the destitute in our community.
Ommiedraai Friends have supported numerous charitable causes over the years, raising funds amongst the members on an informal basis. It is our sincere intention to continue our involvement with charitable institutions and to foster the spirit of sharing and caring. The main charity projects that the club supports are:
- Project Flamingo – Breast Cancer Awareness and Support
- Beitul Amaan Home for the Elderly in Wynberg
- Charity in Motion Educational Drive.